Comedy Drawing Workshops – Funny Pictures!

Comedy drawing workshops with illustrator and theatre-maker Patrick Sanders

Ages 5-7: Ready Steady Draw!
Comic Art Drawing Toolkit. For this workshop we’ll be using drawing games to unlock our imaginations and get your ideas on the page.

Ages 8-12: Power to your Pencilcase
In this workshop we look at how a comic strip works. You will begin to tell a story with drawings and taking characters on a journey…

Venue:- The Ark, Dublin

Dates and Times:-

Ages 5-7
Tue 12-Fri 15 August 2014 @ 10.30-11.30am

Ages 8-12
Tue 12-Fri 15 August @ 2-3.30pm

Family Fun Tip:- In the interests of the best possible experience for all participants, we ask that you respect the age guide of each workshop

Children under 7 must be accompanied by an adult.


Booking Online:- You can book on line here through our booking link directly to The Ark Events ticket sales – Ark Events.

Duration: 60 mins +