Kids & Teens Activities In Dublin
Kids & Teens Activities in Dublin
Find details of and discover lots of Kids & Teens Activities in Dublin and Family Fun Things to do in Dublin including adventure centres, fun places to visit, arts and crafts, pet farms and lots more.
Also check out our what’s on in Kids Entertainment where you can find Events which are updated to give you the latest fun entertainment for you and your family.
Please let us know if we have missed any of your favourite things to do with the kids in Dublin and we will endeavor to include them. Simply email us with your suggestion to [email protected]
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Malahide Castle and Garden – Events
Olympian Gymnastics – GymCamp
Powerleague Dublin Spawell
Player 1 Gaming Van
Musical Theatre Dublin
Aspiring actors & actresses aged between 13-19 years are invited to join Dublin Musical Theatre Summer Programme
Phoenix Park Bikes School Tours
Phoenix Park Bikes is perfect for your group’s Outdoor Summer School Tour
Futuristic Kids Parties At Zero Latency Dublin
Dublin – Clayton Hotel Leopardstown
Dublin – The School of Irish Archaeology Summer Camp
The School of Irish Archaeology Summer camps introduces the mysteries and adventures of archaeology in a fun and relaxing environment through an original and dynamic camp with a twist
Dublin – National Museum of Ireland Events
The National Museum of Ireland is the nation’s biggest cultural institution with a strong emphasis on Ireland’s art, material culture and heritage Admission is FREE
DoDublin Ghostbus Tour
Let the Dublin Bus Ghostbus spirit you away to a world of felons, fiends and phantoms. Take a trip on Dublin’s Dark Side and discover a side to the city you never knew existed…
Dublin – The Pamper Parlour
At the Pamper Parlour you can give your little one a true salon experience for their next Birthday Party.
Dublin – National Wax Museum Plus Events
In addition to Mother’s Day, the Wax museum is delighted to announce that on March 5th & 6th, they will play host to an authentic 1916 re-enactment
Dublin – EPIC The Irish Emigration Museum
EPIC The Irish Emigration Museum in Dublin is the new state of the art visitor experience that showcases the unique journey of the Irish nation, where stories of old are told through the technology of now
Dublin – GoQuest Carrickmines – Indoor Challenge Zone
GoQuest South in Carrickmines is an indoor, multi challenge arena for families, teenagers & children. GoQuest is not an escape room! Online Booking