Kids Events and Family Events

Here you will find all the best family and kids events on now in Dublin and the rest of Ireland. Apart from an overview of the event itself, we aim to provide you with accurate details on location, admission prices, times and booking links where applicable. Pleaese let us know if you have an event that you would like us to include in this section. There are lots of things to do with the kids and they don’t always have to cost money – check out our Free Fun section for some great kids events at no cost !

Dublin – Dublinia

Dublin – Dublinia

Family events will take place every weekend throughout the year where vistors to Dublinia will meet a character from the Viking and medieval periods

"4 Star Pillo Hotel & Spa Ashbourne"

Pillo Hotel

The 4 star Pillo Hotel in Ashbourne Co. Meath, provides comfortable yet luxurious family accommodation at great rates

"Carlton Hotel Blanchardstown"

Carlton Hotel Blanchardstown

Carlton Hotel Blanchardstown, is one of the leading family friendly hotels in Dublin and offers the ultimate ideal destination for a family break