The Model Arts and Niland Gallery is a virbrant centre for the arts in Sligo, hosting work from all over the world.
The Model Arts and Niland Gallery, Sligo, is one of the leading contemporary arts centres in Ireland. Built in 1862 as a Model School, the present building was completely refurbished, extended by McCullough Mulvin Architects and reopened to wide acclaim in 2000. The award winning building is home to the impressive Niland Art Collection, featuring works by John and Jack B. Yeats, Estella Solomons, Paul Henry and Louis Le Broquy among others
With regular music, recitals, readings and films. There are numerous programmes, workshops, classes and special events for children and young people throughout the year.
Opening Times:
The Model is currently Closed for redevelopment and is expected to reopen in Spring 2009