Easter-time 2025 at Newgrange Farm

Set in Ireland’s ancient east in the magical Boyne Valley, Newgrange Farm is one of Ireland’s first open farms. Only 30 minutes from Dublin and with easy access from the motorway. Discover all the fun life on the farm has to offer.  A great family day out at Easter-time.

''Newgrange Farm''

Lambing Live March 15th – 30th 2025

New – You can now come to Newgrange Farm to see their flock of sheep lambing. Spring is the best time on any farm as it is the time for regrowth and baby animals! Please remember that this is a natural process and sheep will lamb in their own time – not on demand, however with a flock of 500 they would hope that you do get to see it all taking place. Please note that not all activities are available during lambing e.g. Go-Karts and Maze as the animals are occupying these areas!
*Normal Family Admission Rates Apply to Lambing Live.

Easter Eggs-tra Activities –

''Newgrange Farm''Easter time on the farm is action-packed too with plenty of eggs-tra activities to enjoy.

From 10.30am to 1pm and from 2.30pm to 5pm daily they will be running four competitions situated around the Farm – Hook A Duck, Bunny Throw, Lollipop Game and a Colouring Competition. All children will receive something small for taking part in each competition with different prizes for winners.

The Easter Bunny will also be in attendance during the above times and you will be able to take pictures of your family with him on your phone or camera.

Due to popular demand their Eater Bonnet Competition is back this year. Unleash your inner artist and design an eye-catching Easter bonnet and bring it with you to enter the competitions over the Easter weekend – prizes for the best entries.   Judging for this competition will take place at 12 Noon and 4.00pm each day.

You can enjoy the sheepstakes too. At 4pm on each day (weather permitting) see teddy jockies urge their sheep down the stretch and across the finish line. It’s guaranteed to make you smile. Got a shepherd’s enquiry? Sheep racing also takes place every Sunday and bank holiday too (again, weather permitting)

They are looking forward to welcoming you to Newgrange Farm at Easter.

Dates and Times –

This Easter there will be two sessions daily for entry to the Farm

Easter Weekend:  19th, 20th and 21st of April 2025

Morning Session Arrival from 10.00am – Depart by 1.30pm

Afternoon Session Arrival from 2.00pm – Depart 5.30pm

Newgrange Farm for lots of fun with your family.