The Secret of Q

As long as you stay inside, nothing can go wrong… Renowned Dutch theatre company Het Filiaal brings a clever, playful and inventive show about family, courage and asking questions.

G is ten and has never been outside. That’s just the safest thing to do, says Q. He’s the boss of the town where G lives with her father, mother and grandfather. As long as you stay inside, nothing can go wrong. Those are Q’s rules, and everyone keeps them – until G’s grandfather remembers something and suddenly disappears. For the first time in her life, G breaks the rules and goes outside: looking for both her grandfather and the secret of Q …

A spectacular show, with cameras, puppets, models, and projection, this exciting thriller for young and old will take your breath away!

Venue:- The Ark, Dublin

Dates and Times:-

Sat 7 June @ 2pm & 4.30pm

Fri 6 June @ 10am & 12.15pm


  • Family Ticket
  • Schools:
  •  The Ark’s Family Members

Booking Online:- You can book on line here through our booking link directly to The Ark Events ticket sales – Ark Events.

Suitable for Ages 7+

Duration: 60 mins

Only participating children require a ticket. Accompanying adults are expected to take an active part in the workshop

To Find More Information on any of The Ark Events and Workshops